hlooho ea leqephe - 1


Tlatsetso ea Lijo tsa Powder ea Lactobacillus Reuteri 10 Billion Cfu/g Probiotics Lactobacillus Reuteri

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Lebitso la Brand: Newgreen
Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: 5-800billione cfu/g
Shelf Bophelo: Likhoeli tse 24
Mokhoa oa ho boloka: Cool Dry Place
Ponahalo: Phofo e Tshweu
Kopo: Lijo/ Tlatsetso
Mohlala: E fumaneha

Ho paka: 25kg / moropa; 1kg / foil Mokotla; 8oz/bag kapa joalo ka tlhoko ea hau

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Tšebeletso ea OEM / ODM

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

Lactobacillus reuteri ke baktheria e tloaelehileng ea lactic acid eo e leng ea limela tsa mala. E sebelisoa haholo lihlahisoa tsa tlhokomelo ea bophelo le lihlahisoa tsa probiotic. Lactobacillus reuteri e thusa ho boloka tekano ea gut microbiota mme e fana ka melemo e mengata.
Ntlha ea pele, Lactobacillus reuteri e khothalletsa bophelo bo botle ba tšilo ea lijo. E pshatla fiber e ka har'a lijo 'me e thusa tšilong ea lijo le ho monya limatlafatsi. Ho feta moo, Lactobacillus reuteri e boetse e thusa ho fokotsa palo ea libaktheria tse kotsi ka maleng, ho fokotsa kotsi ea ho ruruha ha mala le tšoaetso.
Ea bobeli, Lactobacillus reuteri e boetse e na le phello e ntle ho bophelo bo botle ba 'mele oa ho itšireletsa mafung. E ka matlafatsa tšebetso ea lisele tsa 'mele ea ho itšireletsa mafung, ea laola karabelo ea 'mele ea ho itšireletsa mafung, 'me ea ntlafatsa tšireletso ea 'mele khahlanong le mafu. Liphuputso tse ling li bontšitse hore tlatsetso ka Lactobacillus reuteri e ka fokotsa sekhahla sa tšoaetso ea ho hema le ea mala.
Ho phaella moo, Lactobacillus reuteri e phetha karolo ea bohlokoa bophelong bo botle ba molomo. E na le thepa e thibelang kholo ea libaktheria tsa ho bola ha leino le baktheria ea periodontal, e thusang ho fokotsa ho hlaha ha mathata a molomo.



Ho soeufala

Ho soeufala



Kaho ea mesifa

Kaho ea mesifa

Lisebelisoa tsa Lijo

Lisebelisoa tsa Lijo

Mosebetsi le Tshebediso

Lactobacillus reuteri e na le libaka tse 'maloa tsa kopo, ho kenyelletsa:

Bophelo bo Botle ba Lesea: Lactobacillus reuteri e atisa ho fumanoa ka maleng a masea 'me e ithutoe bakeng sa phekolo ea khase, bothata ba mpa le mathata a tšilo ea lijo. Liphuputso tse 'maloa li bontšitse hore tlatsetso e nang le Lactobacillus reuteri e ka ntlafatsa ho leka-lekana ha likokoana-hloko tsa mala ho masea le ho fokotsa sekhahla sa khase le letšollo.
Mathata a tšilo ea lijo: Lactobacillus reuteri e ka thusa ho phekola mathata a fapaneng a tšilo ea lijo, ho kenyelletsa le lets'ollo, tšilo ea lijo, lefu la mala le ho ruruha ha mala. Litholoana tsa eona tsa probiotic li ka thusa ho khutlisetsa botsitso ba limela tsa mala, ho fokotsa ho ruruha le ho khothaletsa bophelo bo botle ba mala. Ho itšireletsa mafung
Tsamaiso ea Bophelo bo Botle: Liphuputso tse 'maloa li bontšitse hore Lactobacillus reuteri e ka matlafatsa sesole sa' mele le ho fokotsa kotsi ea tšoaetso. E ka ntlafatsa khanyetso ea 'mele ka ho ntlafatsa tekano ea mala ea microecological, ho laola karabelo ea 'mele ea ho itšireletsa mafung, le ho eketsa tšebetso ea lisele tsa' mele.
Bophelo bo Botle ba Molomo: Lactobacillus reuteri e ka thibela ho hōla ha libaktheria tse kotsi molomong, ho fokotsa kotsi ea plaque le ho bola ha leino. E khothalletsa bophelo bo botle ba molomo ka ho boloka tekano ea acid-base ea molomo le ho eketsa phallo ea mathe, har'a lintho tse ling.
Bophelo bo Botle ba Basali: Lactobacillus reuteri e bohlokoa hape bakeng sa ho boloka bophelo bo botle ba botšehali. E ka thusa ho boloka tekanyo ea acid-base ea botšehali, ho emisa kholo ea libaktheria tse kotsi, le ho fokotsa ketsahalo ea tšoaetso le ho ruruha. Ka kakaretso, Lactobacillus reuteri e na le mefuta e mengata ea likopo bakeng sa bophelo bo botle ba mala, mathata a tšilo ea lijo, bophelo bo botle ba sesole sa 'mele, bophelo bo botle ba molomo le bophelo bo botle ba basali.

Lihlahisoa tse Amanang

Fektheri ea Newgreen e boetse e fana ka li-probiotics tse molemo ka ho fetisisa tse latelang:

Lactobacillus acidophilus

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus salivarius

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus plantarum

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bifidobacterium phoofolo

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus reuteri

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus rhamnosus

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus casei

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus paracasei

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus bulgaricus

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus helveticus

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus fermenti

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus gasseri

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus johnsonii

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Streptococcus thermophilus

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bifidobacterium bifidum

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bifidobacteria lactis

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bifidobacteria longum

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bifidobacteria breve

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bifidobacterium adolescentis

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bifidobacterium infantis

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus crispatus

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Enterococcus faecalis

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Enterococcus faecium

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus buchner

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bacillus coagulans

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bacillus subtilis

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bacillus licheniformis

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bacillus megaterium

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus jensenii

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

How to buy: Plz contact our customer service or write email to claire@ngherb.com. We offer fast shipping around the world so you can get what you need with ease. Our Lactobacillus acidophilus products will bring vitality and balance to your gut! Choose us, choose health! Buy it now and feel the miracle of gut health!

Boemo ba Khoebo

Newgreen ke khoebo e etelletseng pele lefapheng la li-additives tsa lijo, e thehiloeng ka 1996, e nang le boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse 23 tsa kantle ho naha. Ka theknoloji ea eona ea tlhahiso ea boemo ba pele le workshop ea tlhahiso e ikemetseng, k'hamphani e thusitse nts'etsopele ea moruo oa linaha tse ngata. Kajeno, Newgreen e motlotlo ho hlahisa tlhahiso ea eona ea morao-rao - mefuta e mecha ea lisebelisoa tsa lijo tse sebelisang theknoloji e phahameng ho ntlafatsa boleng ba lijo.

Ho Newgreen, boqapi ke matla a susumetsang tsohle tseo re li etsang. Sehlopha sa rona sa litsebi se lula se sebetsa ho nts'etsopele ea lihlahisoa tse ncha le tse ntlafalitsoeng ho ntlafatsa boleng ba lijo ha li ntse li boloka polokeho le bophelo bo botle. Re lumela hore boqapi bo ka re thusa ho hlola liphephetso tsa lefatše la kajeno le lebelo le ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba batho lefatšeng ka bophara. Mefuta e mecha ea li-additives e tiiselitsoe ho finyella litekanyetso tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa tsa machaba, ho fa bareki khotso ea kelello.Re ikitlaelletsa ho haha ​​​​khoebo e tsitsitseng le e nang le phaello e sa tliseng katleho ho basebeletsi ba rona le ba nang le kabelo feela, empa hape e tlatsetsa lefatšeng le molemo bakeng sa bohle.

Newgreen e motlotlo ho hlahisa boqapi ba eona ba morao-rao ba theknoloji e phahameng - mofuta o mocha oa li-additives tse tla ntlafatsa boleng ba lijo lefatšeng ka bophara. Khampani haesale e ikemiselitse ho ntlafatsa, botšepehi, katleho, le ho sebeletsa bophelo bo botle ba batho, 'me ke molekane ea tšepahalang indastering ea lijo. Ha re sheba bokamoso, re thabile ka menyetla e teng theknolojing mme re lumela hore sehlopha sa rona se inehetseng sa litsebi se tla tsoela pele ho fa bareki ba rona lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso tsa maemo a holimo.


tikoloho ea feme


sephutheloana & thomello




OEM tšebeletso

Re fana ka litšebeletso tsa OEM bakeng sa bareki.
Re fana ka liphutheloana tseo u ka li khethang, lihlahisoa tseo u ka li khethang, ka foromo ea hau, li-label tse nang le logo ea hau! Rea u amohela ho ikopanya le rona!

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • tšebeletso ea oemodm(1)

    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona