● What Is Tribulus Terrestris Extract ?
Tribulus terrestris is an annual herbaceous plant of the genus Tribulus in the family Tribulaceae. The stem of Tribulus terrestris branches from the base, is flat, light brown, and covered with silky soft hairs; the leaves are opposite, rectangular, and entire; the flowers are small, yellow, solitary in the axils of the leaves, and the pedicels are short; the fruit is composed of schizocarps, and the fruit petals have long and short spines; the seeds have no endosperm; the flowering period is from May to July, and the fruiting period is from July to September. Because each fruit petal has a pair of long and short spines, it is called Tribulus terrestris.
The main component of Tribulus terrestris extract is tribuloside, which is tiliroside. Tribulus terrestris saponin is a testosterone stimulant. Research shows that it works well when combined with DHEA and androstenedione. However, it increases testosterone levels through a different pathway than DHEA and androstenedione. Unlike testosterone precursors, it promotes the production of luteinizing hormone (LH). When LH levels increase, the ability to naturally produce testosterone also increases.
Tribulus terrestris saponin can significantly enhance sexual desire and can also increase muscle. For those who want to increase muscle (bodybuilders, athletes, etc.), it is a wise move to take DHEA and androstenedione in combination with tribulus terrestris saponin. However, Tribulus terrestris saponin is not an essential nutrient and has no corresponding deficiency symptoms.

● How Does Tribulus Terrestris Extract Improve Sexual Function ?
Tribulus terrestris saponins can stimulate the secretion of luteinizing hormone in the human pituitary gland, thereby promoting the secretion of male testosterone, increasing blood testosterone levels, increasing muscle strength, and promoting physical recovery. It is therefore an ideal sexual function regulator. Clinical studies have shown that Tribulus terrestris can increase the number of sperm and improve sperm motility, enhance sexual desire and sexual ability, increase the frequency and hardness of erections, and recover faster after sexual intercourse, thereby improving male reproductive capacity.
Its drug action mechanism is different from that of synthetic steroid stimulants such as anabolic hormone precursors androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone. Although the use of synthetic steroid stimulants can increase testosterone levels, it inhibits the secretion of testosterone itself. Once the drug is stopped, the body will not secrete enough testosterone, resulting in physical weakness, general weakness, fatigue, slow recovery, etc. The increase in blood testosterone caused by the use of Tribulus terrestris is due to the enhanced secretion of testosterone itself, and there is no inhibition of testosterone synthesis itself.
In addition, Tribulus terrestris saponins have a certain strengthening effect on the body and have a certain inhibitory effect on certain degenerative changes in the aging process of the body. Experiments have shown that: Tribulus terrestris saponins can significantly increase the spleen, thymus and body weight of aging model mice caused by d-galactose, significantly reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels, reduce and aggregate pigment particles in the spleens of aged mice. There is a clear trend of improvement; it can extend the swimming time of rats, and has a biphasic regulatory effect on the adrenocortical function of rats; it can increase the weight of the liver and thymus of young mice, and enhance the ability of mice to withstand high temperatures and cold; it has a positive effect on eclosion It has a good promoting effect on the growth and development of fruit flies and can extend the life of fruit flies.
● How To Take Tribulus Terrestris Extract ?
Most experts recommend a trial dose of 750 to 1250 mg per day, taken between meals, and taking 100 mg of DHEA with 100 mg of androstenedione or one ZMA pill (30 mg zinc, 450 mg magnesium, 10.5 mg B6) per day for best results.
As for side effects, some people experience mild gastrointestinal discomfort after taking it, which can be alleviated by taking it with food.
● NEWGREEN Supply Tribulus Terrestris Extract Powder/Capsules

Post time: Dec-16-2024